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Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group Sustainability Declaration

In May 2020, the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group announced the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group Sustainability Declaration and is promoting sustainable management to continuously enhance corporate value and ultimately realize a sustainable society.The Declaration establishes the following principles and priority Issues.

General Principles

Create a future grounded in “Safety and Comfort” and a future colored by “Dreams and Excitement.”

For over a hundred years, we have sought to cultivate communities and enrich lives. Leveraging this experience, we commit ourselves to addressing social and environmental challenges and working toward a sustainable future, one that offers a fulfilling, joyful life to all and inspires the next generation to dream with hope.

Priority Issues

  • ①Safe, reliable infrastructure

    Provide railways and other infrastructure that are safe and disaster-resilient. Ensure that anyone can safely access our facilities and services.
  • ②Thriving communities

    Help build sustainable communities with rich natural and cultural heritage, making great places to live in, work in, and visit.
  • ③Life designs for tomorrow

    Promote refined and inspired lifestyle solutions for a better tomorrow.
  • ④Empowering individuals

    Provide an inclusive workplace that values diversity and taps into individual talent. Cultivate tomorrow’s leaders for society.
  • ⑤Environmental protection

    Conduct eco activities that contribute to a carbon-neutral world and a circular economy.
  • ⑥Robust governance

    Act honestly and in good faith, as stakeholders expect us to do.

For details, please refer to Sustainability Databook (P4)

Sustainability Databook・GRI Standards Content Index

Sustainability Databook provides detailed information on our ESG approach, targets, initiatives, data, and other topics.

By delivering “Safety and Comfort” and “Dreams and Excitement,”
we create satisfaction among our customers and contribute to society.

  • Hankyu Corporation
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hankyu Travel International