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Management Message

Our corporate group follows a philosophy that we express as follows: By delivering safety and comfort along with dreams and excitement, we create satisfaction among our customers and contribute to society. The group conducts businesses in six core segments: Urban Transportation, Real Estate, Entertainment, Information and Communication Technology, Travel, and International Transportation.

In May 2022, we unveiled a long-term vision titled Toward 2040. This vision defines the kind of corporate group we aspire to be: one that contributes to a sustainable society and grows alongside the Kansai region. We are currently pursuing a broad range of initiatives, including growing our overseas real estate business, in line with the strategy put forth in this Long-Term Vision. However, the business environment facing the Group has evolved at a speed that was not anticipated when the Vision was first formulated.
In addition, in light of the recent push from capital markets, we see the improvement of capital efficiency toward achieving an ROE in the 8% range as a priority management target. We look to accelerate our global expansion and to enhance corporate value over the mid- to long-term.

With this in mind, the Group will continue to delve deeper into considerations of its business portfolio and the allocation of management resources. The Group aims to achieve steady growth amidst a changing business environment by doubling down on growing existing businesses, while actively working to capture new ground in growing markets. Further, we will continue delivering on our commitment to sustainable corporate development, as enshrined in our Sustainability Declaration. By addressing social issues through our business, we will build long-term sustainable value.

Looking ahead, we will come together as a Group in striving to do our best to meet the expectations of the various stakeholders that have placed their trust in us, and ask for your continued patronage and support.

Kazuo Sumi Chairman and Representative Director, Group Chief Executive Officer
Yasuo Shimada President and Representative Director

By delivering “Safety and Comfort” and “Dreams and Excitement,”
we create satisfaction among our customers and contribute to society.

  • Hankyu Corporation
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hankyu Travel International