Segment Information
As of May 14, 2024
Operating revenue
- From FY2022, ASBJ 29 (Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition) has been applied. Applying ASBJ 29 impacts revenue from operations in two main ways (the impact on operating profit is negligible in each case) :
- 1) We now recognize revenue at the gross amount (rather than the net amount as before) for transactions in the travel business related to organized tours.
- 2) We now recognize revenue at the net amount (rather than the gross amount as before) for transactions in the retailing business (in the urban transportation) related to sales and purchasing, and for transactions in the information and communication technology segment related to agency retail sales of electricity.
- From FY2023, we have consolidated the Hotels segment into the Real Estate segment due to the organizational changes.
Business profit
- From FY2023, we have consolidated the Hotels segment into the Real Estate segment due to the organizational changes.
- Starting in FY2024 (the year ending March 2024), we are including a new performance indicator: Business profit. Business profit shows more precisely the progress of our efforts to grow overseas businesses, such as those in the Real Estate segment.
- Business profit = Operating profit + Equity-method gains/losses associated with overseas investments
- From FY2022 to FY2023, Business profit = Operating profit.