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Financial Highlights

As of May 15, 2024

  • Operating revenue

    From fiscal 2022, ASBJ 29 (Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition) has been applied.

  • Business profit
    • Starting in FY2024 (the year ending March 2024), we are including a new performance indicator: Business profit. Business profit shows more precisely the progress of our efforts to grow overseas businesses, such as those in the Real Estate segment.
    • Business profit = Operating profit + Equity-method gains/losses associated with overseas investments
    • From FY2020 to FY2023, Business profit = Operating profit.
  • Profit attributable to owners of parent
  • Cash flow
  • Total net assets
  • Interest-bearing debt and
    Interest-bearing debt / EBITDA ratio
    • EBITDA = Business profit(Operating profit + Equity-method gains/losses associated with overseas investments)+ depreciation expenses + amortization of goodwill
  • Net assets
  • ROE

By delivering “Safety and Comfort” and “Dreams and Excitement,”
we create satisfaction among our customers and contribute to society.

  • Hankyu Corporation
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hanshin Electric Railway
  • Hankyu Travel International